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Take a look at our Acne Scar + Spot Corrector Clinical Whitepaper

This clinical whitepaper by Dr. Bruce E. Katz, M.D., presents key findings on the Acne Scar Gel with Retex-5™ Technology, showcasing its safety and effectiveness as a therapeutic solution for enhancing the appearance of acne scars and associated hyperpigmentation.

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Silagen Instructions

For Use and Cleaning


When Silagen sheeting becomes dirty or loses adhesiveness, wash gently with tap water and Silagen Clean foaming cleanser then air-dry before reapplying.

Wash at least every 5 days.

Do not apply NewGel+E topical silicone gel under NewGel+ sheeting or the sheeting will lose its stickiness.


  • Begin using NewGel+E when wound has healed or sutures have been removed. Do not use on any open wound.

  • Wash and dry the area being treated before every application of NewGel+E.

  • Apply a very small amount of NewGel+E to the area being treated, creating a thin layer covering the scar. Gently massage. Once dry (typically 1 to 2 minutes), NewGel+E can be covered by clothing, cosmetics, sunblock and bandages.

  • Apply NewGel+E two to three times daily. Reapplication is recommended after bathing, swimming or exercising.

  • Do not apply NewGel+E topical silicone gel under NewGel+ sheeting or the sheeting will lose its stickiness.